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Can you identify Banaban Elders in Historic Photos - PROJECT

Please post your old Banaban historical photos here so people can contribute information and help identify their family elders. Great way to build Banaban history from the people themselves and share these ''moments in time'' with the future generations.


Copyright of these images is held by the family or those who have posted the images to this site. Permission should be sought to reproduce or copy  these images. 


Thanks to Takaniko Kaitetara Ruabete for getting this project started:




Tute Touakin​ Has now confirmed this photo Jan 2016.:

RABI COUNCIL OF LEADERS - The first elected on Rabi after arrival in 1945.

Front L-R: Kabanti, Rotan Tito, Mr Good, Tito Christopher, Aron

Back L-R: Kition Kamaata, Tebeke, Karuoteiti Christopher, Tikaua Taratai, Nakabuta, Ioteba Karebanga.



FRONT: Riakaina, Akata, Tebuke, Burentetabo Bakoa, the young boy could be Karuru Tekaki (not sure),

BACK: Nei Noa, Tekiare, Tarau, Rewi, Tebwa, Tamoa, Binaoro, Bakoa

Other possible ID for Back: Nei Noaa, Tarau,Rewi, Nan Tebaa,unknown



Uma Brass Band: Front L-R: Kaino, Atibeta Aselu, Tane Reo, Nanton, Temoai, Rutobu Maruia. Back L-R: Erekana, Mereki Tekinene, Ted Kwong, Tareta Hedstrom, Teweia Kiakia, Ioaba, Tekinawa, Bebeia


Rabi Scouts 1950's


Standing L-R: Apitiai Tabore, Tororo Sigrah, Kaitetara Takaniko, Kamoki Riakaina, Taake Tion, Samuelu Kaipati, Uatu Kaipati, Fiamalosi, Ruabou Ruabete, Tonana Tabore, Bakoa Oteniera.

Sitting L-R: Teiti Tetebano, Itiramatang Baikawa, Tawata Kenny, Teriota Tamton, Ekeaua Bubu, Uaieta, Eria Bureitetau, Teinimaki Tabao, Tekerau Taake, Taukaro (manen Nei Etete).




Buakonikai Church Elders early Rabi history

Front row, sitting L-R: unknown, Nei Meere Tieke, Rotan Tito, Nei Nnere Rotan, Nei Temoua, Nei Tireba Uriam.
Middle row: Nei Toaningeri, unknown, Bwenawa Uriam
Back row standing L-R: unknown, Rev. Maruia Titana, Terama Ioane, Rev. Uriam Karakaua, unknown, Motee Atikona (with hat), unknown, Pastor Baikawa, Iete of Uma village.





Banaban Dancing Group Rabi

Two Boys at Front L-R:

Front L-R: unknown, Tokanikai,

Second Row L-R:

Back L-R:



Rabi Souts Group circ 1950's  - The last Banaban born generation that formed Rabi settlement. (Now corrected and confirmed by Nei Tute Touakin Jan 2016)

Back Row L-R: Bakatokia, Ingitae, Samuelu, Kaintong, Nanton, Teikabua, Teai.
Front Row L-R: Buaka, Tebeke, Teia, Ioteba, Tororo, Uaieta.


Banaban Elders Rabi taken Rabi Guest House 1993 by Stacey King

Front Row L-R: Tekoti, Maata, Uoue

Back Row L-R:  Keith Christopher, Are Moote, Kawara Eri, Tikaua, unknown, unkown, Kaiekieki Sigrah

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Mauri Stacey,
Just few corrections to the names in photo 1 "Rabi Council of Leaders" should read - Front L-R: Kabanti, Rotan Tito, unknown, Tito Christopher, unknown. Back L-R: unknown, Tebeke, Karuoteiti Christopher, unknown, Nakabuta, Ioteba Karebanga.

Photo #3 Uma brass band: Front L-R: Kaino, Atibeta Aselu, Tane Reo, Nanton, Temoai, Rutobu Maruia. Back L-R: Erekana, Mereki Tekinene, Ted Kwong, Tareta Hedstrom, Teweia Kiakia, Ioaba, Tekinawa, Bebeia

Photo # 4 Rabi Scouts 1950s. These are the ones I know. Front L-R: unkown, unknown, unknown, Teriota Tamton, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown.
Back L-R: unknown, unknown, Kaitetara Takaniko, unknown, unknown, Samuelu Kaipati, unknown, Fiamalosi, Ruabou Ruabete, unknown, unknown.
Kor raba Takaniko corrections and amendments done. Regards Stacey
Mauri Stacey,

Amendments to photos #1. Back row L-R: first unkonwn is Kition Kamaata, before Tebeke.

My id:
Photo: Rabi Scout circ 1950s:
Back L-R: unknown, unknown, Samuelu, unknown, Nanton, Teikabua, Teai
Front L-R: unknown, unknown, unknown unknown, Tororo, unknown


Photo: Rabi Scout circ 1950s:

Back L-R:unknown,Ingitae,Samuelu,unknown,Nanton,Teikabua,Teai

Front L-R:unknown,Tebeke,unknown,unknown,Tororo,unknown.

Comments on Rabi Scouts 1950s: The man identified as Kition is totally wrong for this simple reason - My grand-uncle Kition Kamaata was not that young as my father Ruabou (also in the photo), he was much much older. If Ruabou was still alive today he will be about the same age as my unty Nei Baitere or her elder sister Nei Noa who are Kition's daughters.
Mauri Takaniko I have changed Kition to UNKNOWN at this stage.
Regards Stacey

Takaniko Kaitetara Ruabete said:
Comments on Rabi Scouts 1950s: The man identified as Kition is totally wrong for this simple reason - My grand-uncle Kition Kamaata was not that young as my father Ruabou (also in the photo), he was much much older. If Ruabou was still alive today he will be about the same age as my unty Nei Baitere or her elder sister Nei Noa who are Kition's daughters.
While you are still amending names to the same photograph, please also note that the man identified as Bureitetau is my Uncle Eria (and not his father as recorded). Thanking you for your kind assistance.
Thank you Stacey. Shows how difficult to trace peoples faces even 60yrs ago. It was my fault I took a copy of the photo from our family home in Rabi and did not take down the names listed below the photo. I will contact my sisters on Rabi to give me the names (in order) and we can have them posted. It will be good for all Banabans whose elders are in the photo.

Stacey King said:
Mauri Takaniko I have changed Kition to UNKNOWN at this stage.
Regards Stacey

Takaniko Kaitetara Ruabete said:
Comments on Rabi Scouts 1950s: The man identified as Kition is totally wrong for this simple reason - My grand-uncle Kition Kamaata was not that young as my father Ruabou (also in the photo), he was much much older. If Ruabou was still alive today he will be about the same age as my unty Nei Baitere or her elder sister Nei Noa who are Kition's daughters.
Mauri Stacey,
Names of Rabi Scouts 1950s: This is a confirmation of the ids to the faces in the photo:

Standing L-R: Apitiai Tabore, Tororo Sigrah, Kaitetara Takaniko, Kamoki Riakaina, Taake Tion, Samuelu Kaipati, Uatu Kaipati, Fiamalosi, Ruabou Ruabete, Tonana Tabore, Bakoa Oteniera.

Sitting L-R: Teiti Tetebano, Itiramatang Baikawa, Tawata Kenny, Teriota Tamton, Ekeaua Bubu, Uaieta, Eria Bureitetau, Teinimaki Tabao, Tekerau Taake, Taukaro (manen Nei Etete).

Identifications are from Buakonikai, Rabi.


Back Row L-R after Keith Christopher , Are Moote. 

Ko raba update done!  Regards Stacey



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