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A goodness of a person is promoted and known from /by someone thought and expression, and Therefore we don't have the athority to show our self up. coz the decision for beauty came from others. However, what you do in this Life contributed toward your mark of Goodness and Perfectness. And I think, to be be beautiful and handsome was nothing but to live our life in the way that not receive addition into it. According to my own Definition, Beauty is something that pure and need no addition in to it. Where nothing to be taken from it or to be alterd. Therefore, be a pure person and dont be fool by showing your self to others...

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ngaia raoi anne
mehn I think that true and I really have a strong believe on that
There is also a very old saying: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Especially for those who fall in love. For them even someone's obvious flaws can be viewed as part of their natural beauty and charm, and let's face it, no one is perfect.

So I say, "Who are we to judge anyone else, especially on such a skin deep issue?"

Physical beauty doesn't make someone a good person, and in some cases gives the wrong impression, where people don't see the true beauty and essence of the real person underneath.

So as that other old saying goes, "Never judge a book by its cover."
That is rite.............but sometimes others might not be able to distinguish the beauty of a person...........they all fall for the outside.......what happens if the inside is not what the outside is??......The beauty of the person is not always known from others.........the beauty of person depends on each one of us......The real beauty goes from the heart of each person.......if u want others to know the beauty of yourself.....u gotta light that candle, don't hide under the there's a saying we are what we eat........and I think this applies also to the beauty of us......'We are what we do'



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