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Stacey King's Comments

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At 12:56pm on September 22, 2020, Louise Anderson said…

Hi Stacey and thankyou for the welcome. Yes I'm Rogers daughter! I was looking at the Banaban Voice and read your comment about Roger and the slides.  I tried to leave a message for you but I needed to be a member. So that's how I came to signing up. I'm pretty certain we have more slides of the islands somewhere - I might try and locate them. Thankyou again Stacey.

At 6:23pm on May 13, 2019, Richard Taylor said…

I replied by email etc. 'mauri' I see used. In NZ Maori it means something such as 'life force' so I suspect it means 'good' or something like that in Banaban. That is one word I see in some of these songs and the letter I think. More anon. RT

At 7:55pm on May 12, 2019, Richard Taylor said…

Hi Stacey. Did you see the Blog I started here? I am gradually going through my mother's things as I said. I am looking at old photographs, some writing etc etc. My mother had a letter from the wife of Ellis. She loved her Banaban carer and so on. I need to get these things together. Also there are many photographs from before WWII I could potentially upload. 

 But it seems quiet here as someone noted. Is it better somehow to link it with FB? 

 I have plenty of time but if I leave this too long some precious or possibly important views or aspects of Banaba when my mother used to live there (between there and Melbourne). The images of Banaba, carefully studied, I think yielded important information. My grandfather helped put caissons down for jetties etc. I realise now, studying photographs etc that as a skilled English working man he did benefit greatly from the exploitation of the Island. He bought a farm in NZ. He didn't become very wealthy but lived pretty well. 

Unfortunately I didn't ask those who were there (my mother, uncle and others) who were there, enough. It was some years before I realised that Ocean Island was Banaba (although I knew it and other Pacific nations had been exploited by European and US colonialists etc.

 Can you give me some ideas, help here?

 Richard Taylor

At 4:19pm on July 24, 2011, Takesau Tabore said…
Thanks aunty stacey. either way the banabans would still benefit as there is a market for coconut shells. Besides its common use as firewood it would very profitable as a source of income. As you correctly stated its about time coconut planting takes on a new dimension on Rabi and I really appreciate your relevant updates on such issues. Ko raba ao tia boo moa. Regards. Takesau.
At 9:27pm on July 1, 2011, tutu atauea said…

thanks mom we are all fine and healthy...been to other sites but sori for late respond, just open banaban voice this evening.....  

anyway mom, enjoy your ya

At 2:51pm on June 21, 2011, Iaareto said…
Stacey, who is Manabu whom you stated he/she took a copy back to Japan? Is he/she a Japanese? Sorry for being asking a lot of quetions.
At 11:40am on June 10, 2011, Iaareto said…

Stacey, Forgive me I am late to print out the report, as I am looking for a printer but there is only help  through wintec through my daughter's help but she was late for the exipiry date of the report. She did not know the limited time. please is it possible to ask for another chance to send and that I will not fail to do it. Please forgive me


Iaareto Kabunaree

At 11:00am on June 9, 2011, Iaareto said…

Stacey, Kabwara au bure (Sorry) The report you sent already disappeared from my daughter's computer after the expiry date you mentioned. I have no my own computer so I asked my daughter to print it out in her place of work. I warned her

but she was too late. she lost it. please to be kind if youi could kindly send it again.

I will see that this time will not be lost again. Please accept my apology.

At 6:59pm on May 30, 2011, Aitirakabuta Sigrah said…

how do you like me on banaban voice ,

yes just wait for u this week thank u

love kabuta

At 5:30am on May 30, 2011, Aitirakabuta Sigrah said…




At 6:51am on May 4, 2011, koro said…

mauri stacey, can we chat online now.



At 2:14pm on April 29, 2011, Iaareto said…
Stacey, Thank you very much. the email addresses are 1.
2. It is up to you which one you prefer to send a message with. Thank you again
At 11:52am on April 29, 2011, Iaareto said…
Stacey, I am asking if it possible you could kindly provide me with the KG's report in 1995 -1996. The House of Parliament is about to be dissolved in four months time and that a new election will take place towards the end of August. I am in need of this kind of report so that I could hand it to one of the new member of Parliament whom I trust. Please is it possible  that I ask you? Please I need your help.
At 8:41am on April 23, 2011, Iaareto said…
Stacey, How could I find a japanese friend who is in the high level that he could help me to make enquiry about this. Probably a simple person like me
do you think I can make it? We do not have a Japanese embassy in Kiribati or anyone who is having an official connection to Japan government that I might make enquiry from such person.
At 11:36am on April 11, 2011, Kirennang Tokiteba said…

Hi Stacey,

               Any luck on our product  thats wat we call in the Cooks as TAMANU Oil

At 8:30am on April 08, 2011, Iaareto gave Stacey King a gift
At 8:29am on April 8, 2011, Iaareto said…
So in this case he refused to tell. This was before Dai Nippon Causeway built between Bairiki and Betio. This was where a couple of millions spent on the causeway. I wish to thank you again for your help. For your information, the present government is about to end up in August this year.
At 8:23am on April 8, 2011, Iaareto said…

However, I am not in despair as this is my right to claim. I saw some of the Lawyers from the government together with private lawyers with their negative answer that this a matter of politic. I also have the same opinion on Japanese aid to Kiribati. Most of the onflowing aids from Japan government were all in the time  of Mr Tab'ai's government. My father told me once that he was invited to the President's office where  the secretary to the state inquired if he still remember the names of his friends. My father has a strong feeling that the president inquired about the name of a person from Nonouti the President's home island


At 8:13am on April 8, 2011, Iaareto said…
Stacey, Thank you very much for the information. During the term of Teburoro Tito's presidency, he committed Nei Ahling Onorio to implement and process about the compensation of Kiribatese who fell in World War II. I knew this very well as I am related to Ahling, but unfortunately, his government dissolved and she informed me that she could not do anything further. The present government is really strongly opposed  all proposals and projects of Mr Tito's government. I have also inquired from some of the secretaries whom I know, but the respond is negative and they told me that they could not do anything since the President is not in favour of the former government's proposals.
At 8:03pm on April 5, 2011, Iaareto said…
Stacey, I am really sorry to ask you this question if it is right for me to ask and if not please forget it. Is there any compensation for people who were killed at Banaba by the Jap soldiers, I believed that if it happened the Japanese Govt is responsible. And in your opinion do you think this could happen?


Visiting Rabi and Ocean Island

Started by brian russell in Banaban Issues. Last reply by Stacey King Apr 16, 2020. 7 Replies

Homecoming to Banaba

Started by Christina Maree Buchanan in Banaban Issues Jun 27, 2019. 0 Replies

Slides of Banaba from the 1960's

Started by Dominic Kaukas in Banaban Issues. Last reply by Stacey King Jun 13, 2019. 1 Reply



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