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FIJI TIMES ONLINE - Thursday, July 02, 2009

Ranjishwar Prasad with a student at Rabi High School

FAR from the mainland and the trappings of urban living, a Wainikoro man is enjoying being an island teacher. He grew up surrounded by the back-breaking labour often involved in green acres of cane farms and by contrast the deep blue of the shimmering seas that enclose Rabi Island is a slice of heaven. Ranjishwar Prasad, 46, a nurturer, teacher, master, adviser, and counsellor all rolled into one, finds it a stroke of luck to have landed the job of Rabi High School principal.

But that's not what he felt when he first learned of his transfer from Naleba College outside Labasa, which is just a few kilometres from his village, Wainikoro. He was worried the Rabi job would mean leaving his family behind. Over several days of deep thinking and hashing out the pros and cons he decided to take up the challenge and not deny students on the Cakaudrove island his services as a teacher. The first few days of adjusting to the island lifestyle was difficult but over the months even though he still found travelling the long dusty, bumpy road to Labasa somewhat of a major bother, life soon became a breeze.

"The first few days I walked about and started liking the freshness of everything from the sea, the food, the people who were always concerned and the interest of my students in learning," he said.

This man has spent most of his years as a teacher in rural schools from the upper reaches of Macuata to the extreme end of Bua. He's discovered that life as a rural teacher is always a challenge, what with dealing with inadequate teaching resources, always behind in terms of educational technology, the distance from town and the list goes on.

But despite the difficulties, there are moments that leave him clutching his stomach as he laughs because of the hilarity of the situation.

"There was this time a man came and kerekere some varasa (onion). I thought he said brush so I gave him one and he burst out laughing and I thought he'd gone mad so he left and came back with another man who explained he wanted an onion.

"I couldn't stop laughing the whole afternoon."

Rabi Island is full of surprises.

One day Mr Prasad saw a man catch a 25kg walu in a little canoe.

He tied the fish to the canoe and towed it all the way to Karoko Village on the other side of the bay.

"It was the biggest surprise of my life and the thought of sharks that could have attacked the canoe at any time, so I was amazed by his bravery." The moments, the people which he found to be unpretentious and down to earth and their neighbourly spirit made Rabi a great teaching experience.

"I walk about and it still leaves me bewildered that people just say what's on the top of their mind, there are no layers and they just show up on your doorstep with fish and food," he said.

"They are not well off but still they give from the heart so it truly refreshes and humbles me."

Perhaps the best part of the job is the little stress he feels.

"In urban schools I'd have a constant frown on my face from morning to afternoon.

"But here on the island it's just so relaxing. After all, there is more to life than making money," the Wainikoro man said.

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Comment by koro on July 3, 2009 at 9:49am
NOPE is an acronym for Network of Peoples Educators, this network was implemented by the Institute of Education (IOE) here at USP. NOPE was implemented as part of the Re-thinking Pacific Education Initiative by Pacific People for Pacific People project. Anyway I have a few colleaques who are members of NOPE and they have just informed me that Rabi Secondary School is 'hot topic' with NOPE because of its achievements despite the situation as highlighted in the Fiji times this week, and that the Rabi High School students are setting a precedence for the other schools. All the best in your future endeavours Rabi High School.


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