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I was born on Banaba in 1971, but my parents left in 1973. I unfortunately didn't make it back with the rest of the 'Homecomers' in 1997, but loved my stay in Rabi that year, and my return in 1999 to visit Waite and her family, including her beautiful daughter Kiritina ;o)

Since 2016 I have lost 3 members of my faimly - my brother and both parents - and now Banaba is calling me home again. My sister and I would love to travel to Banaba with our family ashes if the Banaban elder's would think this is appropriate? Mum and Dad met and married on Banaba and I believe it was the happiest 13 years of their life - and it was definitely the best years of Jimmy's life. My sister Alison and I feel they would be happy there.

Please let me know if travel home for this purpose would be well received.


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