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Anyone wants to tell stories about their old school days at RHS???....

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Bro, ko maninga aran butikara are Timoci Macanawai - Agricultural Science Biara Touakin said:
Let's all contribute to this:

These are principals of Rabi High School

Principal From To
Mr Teiwaki Benaia
Mr Narayan
Mrs Rubena Karakaua
Rev Allan Hedstrom 2006 2008
Mr Rajishwar Singh 2009

Uniforms of RHS
If anybody could contibute pictures of RHS uniforms

Location of RHS
Nuku 1980 1985

Staff of RHS
Mr Teiwaki Benaia History of Banaba 1980
Mr Fred Dickson PEMAC 1980
Mr Takele Biology/Basic Science 1980
Mr Mesake Tech Drawing 1980 - 1985
Mr Dayal Accounting 1980 - 1986
Mrs Dayal English 1980 - 1986
Mrs Rebo Teatu Basic Science
Mrs Benia Rotan English
Mrs Tibeaua Benaia Maths
Mr Kariamakin Christopher Science
Mr Bataing Music/ Venacular
Mr Rahman Science
Mr Gounder Science
Mrs Tewia Tekanabu Art & Craft
Mr Timoci Agriculture
Mr Nawaia Touakin Tech Drawing
Mr Jobe Tech Drawing
Mr Isireli Tech Drawing
Mr Atarake Rotan Tech Drawing
Mr Karakoa Iotia Chemistry
Mr Paul (US Peace Corps) History & Geography 1984 - 1986
Mrs Raki English 1990 - 1994
Mrs Raraitaake Rameti Local Craft
Mrs Matanuea John Local Craft
Mr Ioteba Kaitarawa Cultural Dance
Mr Teriota Tamton Music
Mrs Molly Amon Economics
Mrs Tekeinnang English
Mr Chand Accounting
Mr Area Toaiti Basic Science
Mrs Tiku Takesau Accounting
Mr Takesau Tabore Science
Mrs Nanise Toaiti Science
Mr Rusiate Science
Mr Koroi PEMAC
Mr Surya Reddy Physics
Mrs Berenia Christopher English
Mrs Tekeang Touakin Home Economics
Mrs Eribereta Matiera Home Ec
Mrs Karibaieta Joe Home Ec
Mr Tekaban Cultural Dance
Mr Boota Abere Cultural Dance
Mrs Tekirara Eketi Cultural Dance
Mrs Ekebure Cultural Dance
Mr Tamilo Komiti Local Craft
Mrs Tatauea Kaiea Local Craft
Mr Tanentoa Boata Cleaner
Mr Koraua Henty Handyman
Mr Bebeia Bakatu Handyman
Mr Tounaia Temoai Cleaner
Mr Hemant Kumar Maths/ Science
Mr Ereatara Tikaua Basic Science /Maths
Mr Tuateira Burataake Accounting

So that's a contribution from me you may add and edit

Mr Tekan (Local Craft)

Mrs Matati Rotan (Librarian)

Mrs Tarimwe Teirei (Asst. Librarian)

Great Article Fiji Times Online - By THERESA RALOGAIVAU Wednesday, July 01, 2009, all about Rabi High School.

Students of Rabi High School. Picture: THERESA RALOGAIVAU

STUDYING at Rabi High school is nothing short of a wholesome experience. There is the weaving of traditional island mats to be learnt, beading dance necklaces, plaiting raffia skirts, learning how to build canoes and the okatano. It's a fantastically exciting academic realm that beats ditching classes any day, I think.

But that's not to say that physics, maths and chemistry and the other 'more serious' subjects do not play a central role in the school curriculum.

Students are expected to face those tests. It's just that learning about things cultural gets just as much emphasis and rightly so because not everyone's going to turn out a nurse or teacher, doctor or electrician, banker or enforcement officer. Some will remain and fish their living from the sparkling turquoise sea that surrounds the Cakaudrove island.

Others will carve an income from selling traditional artifacts while others will till the land and reap a bountiful green harvest provided they work hard.

So it's a curriculum that prepares its scholars for many eventualities and for that school teachers must be saluted.

Rabi High school was established early in the 1980s as a junior secondary school at Nuku settlement with an initial roll of about 50. Numbers have gradually increased to 250, forcing the relocation of the school to Tabiang, about 1985.

Over the past two years, the school has enjoyed an increasing pass rate for external examinations except for the Fiji School Leaving Certificate exam that dwindled from 68 per cent in 2007 to 62 per cent last year. The biggest challenge for students is transportation they face, often up to three times a week, according to vice-principal Benia Korauea when the lone bus or truck breaks down.

In such a situation, students either walk or stay home. However, the school, intent on improving the pass rate to more than 60 per cent for all external exams, has encouraged parents of students in external exam classes to build a bure around the school compound.

"In this way, we have 100 per cent attendance for the exam classes," Ms Korauea said. In the physics lab, Form Six students Ienraoi Aaron and Kaeroa Vulase held a swinging pendulum and were finding the relationship between strength and force.

In the umbrella-like stands outside, Rachel Henty and Toaua Chang Benson prepared for the Form Seven finals. In the library, students pored over newspapers the school subscribed to, according to principal Ranjishwar Prasad, so that they could keep abreast with current affairs. "We might be an island but we are not at the same time," he said. "Do you know what I mean?".

In the computer room, other students surfed the net on neat-looking Apple laptops. Despite its apparent isolation Rabi High was keeping abreast with educational technology in the hope of giving its students the chance to get off the island and into the nation's white collar workforce. The reality of the matter is that over the years many stay behind and continue life on the island.

"Some of our students have gone on Multi-Ethnic scholarships to study at the Fiji Institute of Technology," Ms Korauea said.

"So it's important that we prepare them for life on the island that largely revolves around the land and sea.

"Past leaders of the school have always emphasised the importance of teaching them canoe building, making toddy and weaving."

Art and craft teacher Tamilo Paseu says from a very young age, a Rabi child is surrounded by the cultural things that identify this ethnic group. "He goes out and plays in a canoe and the girls dance," he said.

"And when you look at a Rabian's life it is intricately woven with a canoe which he uses for fishing and travelling so he needs to learn how to make one."

The okatano is a low-roofed bure-like attachment to a Rabi home often used as a place for the family to gather for food, serious talk or just for laughter.

The special building for art and craft lessons was built to accommodate for space that is needed to build a canoe, the okatano and for getting down and dirty encouraging enjoyment in class. Cultural creations line the walls and the sound of hammering softly reverberates around the school compound.

It is an exciting academic setting to be in.
hi m 1 of the pure breed of RHS wea i never 4got bin punished n caned in front of the crowd for bin skipclasses, dating, smoking. i jzt can't bliv that i can do all these kind of siily things but i hope that it's what god has planned 4 us so that i can knw the real life experiences but nevathe less i hope that i will reach my dream i hope to help my kai to the right path where they will be one in the future

hope to hear 4m the rest coz m in another now
Well walking down the memory lane to the place we start our high school....RHS.....can bring tears and even joy to those who went through it.The sweet and difficult journey that we went thru is really challenging and fruitful,however i quess that being isolated from the morden world is the contributing factor to the proplems.To begin with,trasportation is always be the main one.Waking early and start walking to school is always the normal routine.From the youngest of class 1 to the high school gang,all have to bear the pain,long distance and even have to withstand any kind of weather inorder to reach school.I quess that we from Rabi use to walking so this is kind of catching up with other friends and just talanoa and laughing all the way to school. I wonder if the pineapple farm around the school still exist or not: Thats the faourite spot to be when our homework not finished. We got the shock as we make our way down the bush,we came across say more than 10 students already there. Its a normal programme everyday///
Another proplem is that we students sometimes really have no manners,as i've seen from experience. How many of us remember Mrs Raki? She taght us social science in form 1 and the amount of jokes the students would make about her leg is too much.......I spent 6 yrs in RHS and went on to Indian College and the to SSKMC College in Nadi,I never came across students who make fun of their teachers like what i've experience on my home island school.I just wish that students of RHS today are more sensible and wise in their mind because teachers are to be respected not to make off.
Despite the lack of resources and modern technology in our days i managed to pass my FSLC thanks to the tremendous hard working teachers for their effort and sacrifice.
1.Mrs Tekeinang (English)
2.Mrs Amelia Vakaloloma (Biolgy/Maths)
3.Mrs Elenoa Vula (Chemistry)

Almost 11 yrs now i left RHS the memories of RHS i will treasure with me because i've seen what RHS had produced in terms of culture preserving,jop opportunities and employment and the pride of being the Ex RHS

All the best RHS in your future endavours,
Tia Boo Moa
Aaaaaa MAURI! 1 of de ex RHS u wanna flop in some of my middle childhood experiences n memories of my life time back on de beauty island.It was my most happiest stage of learning coz i came across alot of new effective findings 2gether with humour.RABI HIGH SCH'S life is jst as easy as flippig yr figures.WHY?..........COZ........everything nearly cost u a cent to operate yr life expences,for txt bks r free,transport is free,fees r cheap n food is jst u therefore u cannot b....................... u might knw wat i mean ..............
ha ! so we r the most fortunate kids in de world..........ce cava???????.........only if we use the priviledge wisely.
Teari, I dont think everyone would love to tell their stories.....???? hahaha....
well i taku ba ngai te kabane n ongo-taeka nte reirei anne ngkekei...... hhaahhahah dont believe it coz i am the worst among all the students. i cannot forget that day when Benjame, Ioane & Aberam a oreaki during the Assembly ibukin are a kimoa ana Annual Exam Paper Master Reatara. actually ngai raoi te mastermind nte te waki anne but at the end they get thier rewad while i dont get one,,,,,,,,, i thank them very much. i knew that they hate me alot but that is what i call true fren.

So my advise to u all the rabi high students,,,,,,,,,, dont pretend to be a good girl / boy becoz u will end being a dragon. hahahaha.........

Anyway to those of u still schooling at Rabi High....... Be gud but dont pretend
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Hey bro,ko maninga Mrs Rereao Tioti(Local craft) Mr Satendra Prasad(Science) Mrs Abanetetaake Tioteba(typist)Mrs Mateti Ben(librarian)

Biara Touakin said:
Let's all contribute to this:

These are principals of Rabi High School

Principal From To
Mr Teiwaki Benaia
Mr Narayan
Mrs Rubena Karakaua
Rev Allan Hedstrom 2006 2008
Mr Rajishwar Singh 2009

Uniforms of RHS
If anybody could contibute pictures of RHS uniforms

Location of RHS
Nuku 1980 1985

Staff of RHS
Mr Teiwaki Benaia History of Banaba 1980
Mr Fred Dickson PEMAC 1980
Mr Takele Biology/Basic Science 1980
Mr Mesake Tech Drawing 1980 - 1985
Mr Dayal Accounting 1980 - 1986
Mrs Dayal English 1980 - 1986
Mrs Rebo Teatu Basic Science
Mrs Benia Rotan English
Mrs Tibeaua Benaia Maths
Mr Kariamakin Christopher Science
Mr Bataing Music/ Venacular
Mr Rahman Science
Mr Gounder Science
Mrs Tewia Tekanabu Art & Craft
Mr Timoci Agriculture
Mr Nawaia Touakin Tech Drawing
Mr Jobe Tech Drawing
Mr Isireli Tech Drawing
Mr Atarake Rotan Tech Drawing
Mr Karakoa Iotia Chemistry
Mr Paul (US Peace Corps) History & Geography 1984 - 1986
Mrs Raki English 1990 - 1994
Mrs Raraitaake Rameti Local Craft
Mrs Matanuea John Local Craft
Mr Ioteba Kaitarawa Cultural Dance
Mr Teriota Tamton Music
Mrs Molly Amon Economics
Mrs Tekeinnang English
Mr Chand Accounting
Mr Area Toaiti Basic Science
Mrs Tiku Takesau Accounting
Mr Takesau Tabore Science
Mrs Nanise Toaiti Science
Mr Rusiate Science
Mr Koroi PEMAC
Mr Surya Reddy Physics
Mrs Berenia Christopher English
Mrs Tekeang Touakin Home Economics
Mrs Eribereta Matiera Home Ec
Mrs Karibaieta Joe Home Ec
Mr Tekaban Cultural Dance
Mr Boota Abere Cultural Dance
Mrs Tekirara Eketi Cultural Dance
Mrs Ekebure Cultural Dance
Mr Tamilo Komiti Local Craft
Mrs Tatauea Kaiea Local Craft
Mr Tanentoa Boata Cleaner
Mr Koraua Henty Handyman
Mr Bebeia Bakatu Handyman
Mr Tounaia Temoai Cleaner
Mr Hemant Kumar Maths/ Science
Mr Ereatara Tikaua Basic Science /Maths
Mr Tuateira Burataake Accounting

So that's a contribution from me you may add and edit
well, thank you Miss Teari for putting this wonderful discussion for the Ex-students of Rabi High School....
As i am one of the students of Rabi High School i really can't forgot my days at RHS where i always got punish by Madam Tawaea for speaking in venercular and by Sir Naiker for not completing my guess what punishment we did?? oh my god i'm getting tired of pulling the paragrass and pulling the sensitive grass from it's root...mehn it's so tough....
i went through all kinds of punishment untill i left RHS to Kiribati.... so for my comparing of my new school and my old school,,, Rabi High School is the best school because i learnt so many things like respecting teachers and many other things....

so i express my thanks to the Principal (Allan Hedstrom), my subject teachers and also to the staff of RHS...

God Bless RHS......LOLZ....
well, thank you Miss Teari for putting this wonderful discussion for the Ex-students of Rabi High School....
As i am one of the students of Rabi High School i really can't forgot my days at RHS where i always got punish by Madam Tawaea for speaking in venercular and by Sir Naiker for not completing my guess what punishment we did?? oh my god i'm getting tired of pulling the paragrass and pulling the sensitive grass from it's root...mehn it's so tough....
i went through all kinds of punishment untill i left RHS to Kiribati.... so for my comparing of my new school and my old school,,, Rabi High School is the best school because i learnt so many things like respecting teachers and many other things....

so i express my thanks to the Principal (Allan Hedstrom), my subject teachers and also to the staff of RHS...

God Bless RHS......LOLZ....



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