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It is what bothers me most on the Kiribationlinecommunity. Need to know the answer

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the questn is very complx,,it involvs geneology,, history,, mytholgy an experienc to comprehnd with. However,, my perspectiv lies within the reality and power of globalizatn. We are slowly compromisin ur selvs with its consequences. The arrivl of foreighers on ocean island is the hallmark of trade and dominion over what is rightfully ours.. ur social an cultural way of life being overidden by the power of gaining wealth. wen they first set foot on OI they noticed ur forefathers half naked,,, clothed by the very leaves of their native land. Percieving their natural clothing as pathetic n paganistic,, they adviced them to wear shirts an pants an ties to be more civilized accordin to their standard. eventually,, they noticed the phosphate. They allure the innocent hearts of ur forefathers by offerin shillings an dollar to choose as the compensation of drawing away ur resources.. nevertheless they won on the bargain side an thereafter manipulated the the welfare of OI into the hands of others to gain independence. Is this the power of globalization,, where the weak an oppressed remained suppressed within the leadership of the strongest? My opinion is therefore addressed to the first world countries of their greediness an shelfishnss. They do not care of who we are,,, where we come from. They only care of what we treasure as ur future genareation security, ur resources to inject their economy. As banaban brothers i believe it is about time to find means of liberating these powerful countries or else we'll keep on fighting an endless war that solely manipulated by the power of the first world countries. Ocean Island is my identity,,, even if i had lost her laguage,, even while i we are countries apart,, u still remain in me.. for u are the very soil that defferenciates my current identity.. In retrospct,,, my resources are my clothes. God clothed me with my land, sea and sky.. I do not want to be so expensive in wearing wealthy attire outside me,, while deep within me is a bodily skeleton that cried an unheard cry.. Yea,,, banaba,, i want to remember you in everything,, rich or poor u will always be part of me.       

lol dis is a silly question....I do agree.....if u are confused then u are not a Banaban.Ask ur elders around you about your roots and be a proud a Banaban.

Mauri tebaou! My dad is from onotoa and arorae and my mom is from nonouti,tabiteuea and tarawa. Since my father's father is from arorae that makes my father a pure arorae and part onotoa so I consider myself lucky to know where I come from.As for you, you are considered the unlucky one.

You need to sit down with your parents and have a serious conversation. If your dad says that his father is pure banaban then you can call yourself a banaban. But if your mom is from banaba ,I am afraid your chances of calling yourself a banaban is not that strong.Secondly you try and look up the world atlas and see where you can find banaba. If its under the REP. OF KIRIBATI, ??????????????.

If anyone(fijian,chinese or indian) asks where I am from i'll tell them that i am a fiji citizen but i am an i-kiribati and proud to be recognised in the world. But if an i-kiribati ask me the same question, i'll say -"ngai bon te i arorae ao i rota onotoa,nonouti,tabiteuea ma tarawa.Now isnt it great to know where you come from.This will determine where your children will be heading in the future.

So tebaou i hope this answers your question.  this is a terrible thing to ask yourself.

tiabo ao tekeraoi.

i think we should not forget our i-kiribati bloodline......and for us to be different from i-kiribati....wats the difference??jus te-karaga dance?? if u call urself a banaban, these are jus some of the things u shud much land u got?..ur geneaology regardin the village u come from? ur kaainga? their history? ur families role?...etc......because some people call them banabans and dont really  even" possess"/know a little differentiation from being an i-kiribati......

Well if u r a Banaban( Which I guess u r not) u will knw the difference and its more than a dance Te Karaga which differentiates a Banaban and a Kiribati. I myself am half Kiribati and half Banaban and there is a difference in the two cultures.i mean just the fact that there is a island called Kiribati and one called Banaba shud be a  big difference...or the are villages of Kiribati the same as the village in Banaba.Not really understanding what u mean.Why cant we jsut accept the difference..between these cultures..i jst do not understand some ppl's views.

I think we in this growing old can come to grasp the fact that we are Ikiribati, though we maybe under Kiribati..what difference does it make..We all share the same language which is the important thing about your culture and identity

the most important thing to know is your history...........te riki ni banaba.........what clan you belong
to..your family ena mate kunam.... if no then you will be lost.. ask alot from the remainig elders if you have time to otherwise you"ll be confused and not knowing how unique our lost language was and how our ancestors arrived in Banaba...

This is a very interesting question but it would be funny if one could not trace his/her roots...If it is hard to define your identity, it would be simpler to define your identity based on two factors, first through blood and second through land. If you have a Banaban blood, you are Banaban and if you have a land in Banaba, you are a Banaban...I believe these are the two elements that need to be established in order to proof whether you are a Banaban or not....Just a thought but hope its helps...



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