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Yes, Stacy i could tell you names of people who told me that comments in regards to Banaban/Rabi issues have been deleted from this site. They are not religious nor vulgar statements made but real issues affecting the people of Rabi. For your information my comments were made in regards to your discussion of Rabi Cyclone Tomas Rehab, which has some how been posted to the Blog. It was one of the issues highlighted in the discussion forums, before Terry Atauea posted his issues which is also related to my and your discussion on Cyclone Tomas Rehab. I checked my comments from three different computers without seeing it, but then it came back to be posted in the Blog section after i highlighted the fact that it has somehow been deleted from the discussion forum.


So i believe it is not a COMPUTER PROBLEM.


This response is a classic example, i want to post this directly as a response to your explanation, but since it is a BLOG post i couldn't. This is how i know my initial response was not in a BLOG but a direct response to your discussion, which has been deleted from the discussion forum.


Sarah Tawaka



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Comment by Stacey King on August 30, 2011 at 7:25am

Sorry Sarah but once again you are totally wrong. I have on further investigation found that your comments were made on a Blog that I posted this was an news article that appeared on Fiji TImes. It has been there the whole time and obviously you had trouble locating it again as it was just a reply comment. The article is and has always been posted on the blog and just moved down as more daily postings came in. It was NEVER a DISCUSSION. You need to check the ALL BLOG section to find it and it has since been FEATURED to make it easier for you to find.

Also not going to get into an argument about any references to other people as they are totally wrong as well. They can contact us personally if they have a problem with articles or if they believe we have deleted them. The only recent incident was one posted by Biara which he referred to a recent Fiji political issue. I contacted him personally about the removal and he totally understood why we didn't want to get BV invovled in Fiji political issues.

I think there was also a personal comments a couple of years back on an individual that they found offensive and asked for the comment to be removed. This was done at their request after making contact with Ken. This is the right on anyone who may take offence and only done if they have made contact in person with us.

So really no point in making an issue when there isn't one. There are so many issues that are of a lot more importance and relevance that you can get into I'm sure.


Regards Stacey


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