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All Blog Posts (1,094)

70 free laptops recalled from Cook Islands

Jun 16, 2009 (Asia Pulse Data Source via COMTEX)

70 laptops earmarked for outer island schools in Cook Islands have been recalled. The wait for a consultants report on information communications technology has stopped the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project for Mitiaro from going ahead. The plan had been for Mitiaro school students to receive about 70 of the colourful laptops last year. Now the Ministry of Education… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 18, 2009 at 2:36pm — 1 Comment

Laptop scheme rolls-out to Marshall Islands students

ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA Updated Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:19pm AEST

The One Laptop Per Child program is gaining momentum in the Pacific, with Marshall Islands the latest nation to adopt the educational scheme. The OLPC attempts to supply every child in less-developed areas of the world with a high-tech laptop suitable for each country's climate. The laptops have already been piloted in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 17, 2009 at 8:58am — 1 Comment

Rising sea levels force island populations to evacuate

WORLD FOCUS - Blog Watch June 12, 2009 Kiribati is one of the island countries threatened by climate change.

Last week, the U.N. passed a resolution introduced by small islands that will recognize climate change as a threat to security. Climate change could potentially create 200 million refugees by 2050. The people of the… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 15, 2009 at 4:06pm — 2 Comments

Campaign launched to reduced TB levels in Kiribati

Radio New Zealand International - Posted at 19:22 on 14 June, 2009 UTC

A national campaign to reduce tuberculosis levels in Kiribati has been launched with a massive public awareness programme. TB Controller, Ken Reeue, says the awareness programme will be followed by more practical and constructive measures, including treatment, in an effort to curb the increasing number of TB cases in Kiribati. Dr Reeue… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 15, 2009 at 3:59pm — No Comments

Japan PM Taro Aso: "The generation that saved the future"

ISRIA - 15 June 2009

"[We need] as leaders to offer life and hope to our people where there seems to be only despair and desperation."

These were the solemn words spoken to me at a summit meeting of the island countries of the Pacific, by the President of the Republic of Kiribati, a beautiful island nation in the South Pacific. For a certain house, the shore which until a few years ago was one kilometre distant now looms at… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 15, 2009 at 3:56pm — No Comments

Life under a cloud after nuclear tests

STUFF.CO.NZ by LEE UMBERS - Sunday News Last updated 05:00 14/06/2009

War hero's son Bill Anderson thought he was embarking on a patriotic adventure when he joined the New Zealand Navy at age 16. But he says he was sailing into disaster when he boarded HMNZS Pukaki for Christmas Island in the South Pacific to become one of hundreds of Kiwi servicemen exposed to a series of British nuclear… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 15, 2009 at 3:53pm — No Comments

**SCAM - HILTON HOTEL LONDON- Do not answer emails**

If you recieved an email with the title above please don't open it or reply but delete it immediately as it is an internet scam. This member has now been banned from BV network.

Added by Stacey King on June 13, 2009 at 8:57pm — No Comments

Lawyers prepare case for Fiji nuclear test victims

ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA Updated 6 hours 31 minutes ago

British lawyers acting for Fijian veterans affected by nuclear testing during the fifties and sixties are hoping that the British Ministry of Defence will finally agree to sit down and discuss compensation. The legal team is back in London after meeting in Fiji with the surviving servicemen and relatives of those who have died. A British court has… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 12, 2009 at 10:43pm — No Comments

Catholic Mission backs National Climate Emergency Rally

CATHNEWS.Com Published: June 11, 2009

With its Village Space program focused on climate change and its effects on people in the developing world, Catholic Mission has given its backing to this week's National Climate Emergency Rally. Climate change affects people all around the world and it is often the most vulnerable who are affected the most, a Catholic Mission statement says. Catholic Mission's Village Space program, an interactive performance… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 12, 2009 at 9:13am — No Comments

Historic day for Good Samaritans


Good Samaritan Sisters congregational leader Sr Clare Condon (right) witnesses the vows of Sr Ameria Etuare

THE Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict, an Australian order, have celebrated the first perpetual profession of a woman from the Republic of Kiribati. Sr Ameria Etuare made her perpetual profession at the… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 11, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Laws ‘fail to protect women'

FIJI TIMES ONLINE Thursday, June 11, 2009

The narrowness of criminal laws to cater for specific forms of violence against women and girls, apart from assault, is a major concern. This is the view of Maere Tekanene, the Kiribati participant at the Fifth Pacific Regional Meeting on Violence against Women being held at the Naviti Resort.

She said it was challenging to convince male leaders "of the reliability of… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 11, 2009 at 8:35am — No Comments

Kiribati committee to probe immigration approvals

RADIO NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL Posted at 23:05 on 07 June, 2009 UTC

Kiribati’s parliament has formed a four-man select committee to investigate the legality of foreign investors operating in the country. The committee has indicated it will concentrate on the Chinese business community which is growing rapidly. MP Teatao Teannaki, who is chairing the new committee, says their terms of reference include revisiting… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 11, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

For those Romantics

I was sitting all alone by myself
with no one beside me
my tears we're falling
with no one to comfort me

my life is so complicated
and i could not cope with
the hardships coming towards myself

suddenly a stranger's shoulder
appear in front of me
melting all my sorrows
bring me back my smiles

finally thanks to this stranger
helping me escape from
the darkness .

Added by Tenga on June 10, 2009 at 1:34pm — No Comments

Fiji hosts regional meeting focusing on domestic violence against women 2009-06-09 14:34:13

SUVA, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Domestic violence truly still kills pacific women today. This was heard in a regional meeting that is being held in Fiji this week where issues of domestic violence has been thrashed out. Whether it's perceived sorcery-related killings of women in Papua New Guinea (PNG), the frequency of murders of women in Tonga, outdated laws in Solomon… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 10, 2009 at 9:45am — No Comments

Work on Jetties start next month

FIJIVILLAGE.COM Publish date/time: 09/06/2009 [10:57]

The Works Ministry is eyeing the completion of the Kadavu and Rabi jetties by early next year. Works Ministry spokesperson Sainiana Waqainabete said the Kadavu and Rabi jetties will cost the government $1 and $1.5 million respectively, and work should be starting by next month. Waqainabete said while they awarded the tender for the Kadavu project,… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 10, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Mereta Tabuariki Photo - Fiji Times Article


MERETA Tabuariki

Added by Stacey King on June 5, 2009 at 9:56am — No Comments

How coconut oil can help beat recession

NEW ZEALAND HERALD - 4:00AM Friday Jun 05, 2009 By Vaimoana Tapaleao

Coconut oil, woven mats and noni juice are some of the products that will help Pacific Islanders to get through the recession, a conference in Auckland has heard. Members of Pacific communities met at the "Brother Pacific Wave: Weathering the Economic Storm" conference this week to discuss how Pacific Islanders, at home and… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 5, 2009 at 9:45am — No Comments

Living her dream on RABI - Inspirational (Adapted from Fiji Times Online)

MERETA Tabuariki created quite a scandal on Rabi Island in Cakaudrove when she showed up to work in overalls.

It was unbecoming for a young woman to be dressed as such, according to the proponents of island tradition.

Some of the outraged saw fit to question her audacity and demanded that she conform to the mold.

Her career choice was even more unacceptable but the 32-year-old Technical Drawing teacher was pursuing a dream and the opposition presented mere… Continue

Added by Ana Eri-Sanele on June 4, 2009 at 1:00pm — 5 Comments

Call for Pacific to join forces for economic gain Producing and Exporting Virgin Coconut Oil

RADIO NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL - Posted at 04:28 on 03 June, 2009 UTC

Samoa’s Women in Business Development Inc and Oxfam have joined forces to assist other Pacific countries to develop their potential in supplying export products like virgin coconut oil. CEO Adi Tafuna’i says they have pioneered a model that has seen them exporting their oil to the British-based Body Shop… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 4, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Indonesia's rent-an-island answer to climate change


The South Pacific pounds the coastline of Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu. [AFP]3 June 2009

Indonesia is considering renting some of its islands to people fleeing Pacific territories as climate change raises sea levels. The Indonesian Maritime Minister's proposal comes as a report this week reinforces the need to accommodate… Continue

Added by Stacey King on June 3, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

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Visiting Rabi and Ocean Island

Started by brian russell in Banaban Issues. Last reply by Stacey King Apr 16, 2020. 7 Replies

Homecoming to Banaba

Started by Christina Maree Buchanan in Banaban Issues Jun 27, 2019. 0 Replies

Slides of Banaba from the 1960's

Started by Dominic Kaukas in Banaban Issues. Last reply by Stacey King Jun 13, 2019. 1 Reply



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